Sacred bath

TEATRO METAMORFOSIS . Carrer de Tapioles, 12 - Ver mapa
4/04/2025 21:00
Organizado por Teatro Metamorfosis
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15,30 €
Prezo final. Gastos de xestión e garantía entradium incluídos.
0,00 €
0,00 €

Descripción do evento

Sacred Bath is a playful exploration of consent and ownership of our

desires and bodies. Blending poetry, movement, storytelling, and

humor, this solo is a ritual and a manifesto seeking wholeness, a

sacred sexuality, and challenging societal norms, inviting audiences to

reconsider the freedom of their fire.

Technical Sheet

Conceived and Performed by: Alice Motta

Dramaturgic Outside Eye: Júlia Couto

Movement Director: Lizzy Tan

Sound Design: Alice Motta

Sound Engineer: Arthur Murtinho

Light Design Consultant: Camila Grimaldi

Set Design Consultant: Caio Sanfelice

Producer: Eduardo Pires

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